JRx Life by Jessica Regnante
Align and Strengthen
Your Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Discover the JRx method to reach your next level of health & wellness.

I offer one-to-one, virtual coaching plus in-person, live workshops in/around Boston.

Just a few of my favorite things to help you live your best life.

Discover the JRx method to reach your next level of health & wellness.

I offer one-to-one, virtual coaching plus in-person, live workshops in/around Boston.

Just a few of my favorite things to help you live your best life.

JRx Life by Jessica Regnante | Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

Hi, I'm Jessica Regnante.

I’m an Exercise Physiologist & Holistic Health Practitioner on a mission to help people live BEYOND STRONG®. I think of myself as a modern-day alchemist. I love to master exercise techniques and bodywork modalities (in their purest forms) and then blend everything together with holistic lifestyle coaching and “energy work” to feel like pure magic!

30+ years of experience has taught me that it’s really not only “what” people are doing with their exercise programs that keeps them from truly thriving, but “how” they are moving and living their lives that gets in the way.

Integrating mind/body/spirit connection with scientific program design, my signature JRx method is a fusion of all of my areas of expertise:

    • Integrated Strength & Conditioning
    • Natural Movement® Fitness
    • Holistic Lifestyle Coaching
    • Yamuna® Body Rolling
    • Corrective Exercise
    • Classical Pilates
    • Aromatherapy

Now offering Virtual Movement & Lifestyle Coaching!

You might be surprised to find that I can do online-live coaching the same way as I would in-person!

Sign up to receive email notifications of new events:

©2024 Jessica R.® & BEYOND STRONG® | All Rights Reserved

JRx Life by Jessica Regnante
JRx Life by Jessica Regnante | Holistic Lifestyle Coaching


Align and Strengthen

Your Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Discover the JRx method to reach your next level of health & wellness.

I offer one-to-one, virtual coaching plus in-person, live workshops in/around Boston.

Just a few of my favorite things to help you live your best life.

Hi, I'm Jessica Regnante.

JRx Life by Jessica Regnante | Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

I’m an Exercise Physiologist & Holistic Health Practitioner on a mission to help people live BEYOND STRONG®. I think of myself as a modern-day alchemist. I love to master exercise techniques and bodywork modalities (in their purest forms) and then blend everything together with holistic lifestyle coaching and “energy work” to feel like pure magic!

30+ years of experience has taught me that it’s really not only “what” people are doing with their exercise programs that keeps them from truly thriving, but “how” they are moving and living their lives that gets in the way.

Integrating mind/body/spirit connection with scientific program design, my signature JRx method is a fusion of all of my areas of expertise:

    • Integrated Strength & Conditioning
    • Natural Movement® Fitness
    • Holistic Lifestyle Coaching
    • Yamuna® Body Rolling
    • Corrective Exercise
    • Classical Pilates
    • Aromatherapy

Now offering Virtual Movement & Lifestyle Coaching!

You might be surprised to find that I can do online-live coaching the same way as I would in-person!

Sign up to receive email notifications of new events:

©2024 Jessica R.® & BEYOND STRONG®

All Rights Reserved

site design by J. Jorczak